New Things for Earn Extra Money Home

By | May 9, 2018

New Things for Earn Extra Money HomeWe have been working quietly over the past few months on something new and exciting for our readers.  There are some projects that we think you will all be very excited about.  These projects include our own web hosting, affiliate training, backlink services, social media services and more.  So, you can imagine how busy we have been.  But let’s not put the cart before the horse.  So we will launch these in a specific order to make sure they are all working properly before moving on to the next item.

First to Launch is Our own Web Hosting

The first of these projects to launch will be hosting.  In fact, at the time of writing this, we have secured the servers and working on the backend for everyone.  It will be stellar for those of you who want to work in affiliate marketing.  We have included some great features including free SSL.

As many of you know https helps you with your rankings.  You can read more about SSL/https here.  It really does help and makes people feel safer.  If you do a Google search just take a quick look at the first page of results.  Chances are 8 or more of the 10 are have their https.  This is why we are including it with all of our packages.

Affiliate Training

Shortly after we finish the hosting project and get it running the way we want it to run, we will be starting an affiliate training program.  We are working on a membership site at the same time, but it will take us a while to get all of the training set up.  We still do love Wealthy Affiliate, but it is time for us to produce our own products as well.

Our program will have several things involved in it, from niche selection, setting up your first website, making your first dollar and more.  We are also working with developers to integrate the hosting in with the monthly subscription.  Lots to do on there, but we just keep working toward the final product for you!

Backlink Services

An important part of building a healthy site is to build quality backlinks.  From guest posts and other sources.  We actually have everything in place and have been testing it all out on a couple of our sites.  This way when it is launched for your guys it will be all set and you know it will be a good value for you.Social Media Platforms for Marketing

Social Media Services

As well as the backlink services we are working out social media services.  We have our twitter system all set up including increasing followers through natural organic ways.  This includes postings to accounts, content sourcing, retweets, and more.  This will really help grow your following at a reasonable rate.  When you link your twitter account to your website you will find that you increase your traffic and therefore your overall earnings can increase much quicker.

We still have not finished perfected the social media platform systems to the point that we are happy yet. Rest assured when we do you will do quite well if you would like to utilize our services. We know sometimes it is difficult to find the time to work on your social network if you are working on a blog, but we will be able to help with this in the near future.

Earn Extra Money Projects

As you can see we are working very hard to help all of our followers.  We believe we will be able to put together an affordable system so that just about anyone can get started and earn money with affiliate marketing.  This includes our web hosting platform, backlink services, affiliate training program, social media services, and maybe some bonuses along the way. Thank you for your patience and you will be the first to know when we are up and running on each of these platforms.  If you have any questions, please let us know below.

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