Learning to blog is really not that difficult, although I have been asked for some tips from time to time. So much so that I thought I would write about what has worked for me. After all we have all seen that person who takes their passion and turns it into a successful blog. Why not you? Well it may be hard to succeed if you don’t get help when you are starting out. So here are some blogging tips for beginners that will be useful to those who are new to it.
Different individuals have turned blogging to a hobby, or even a hobby into blogging, which they come to enjoy so much they have a hard time stepping away from it. For such individuals to have a passion is the driving force they seek out. Hence, you need to be passionate enough to learn as you try to establish some sort of authority in your chosen niche.
To overcome some of the challenges that new bloggers experience, there are several things you need to observe which will eventually help you to succeed. Some of the tips that can prove to be very resourceful for those who are trying out blogging for the first time include:
Write in a manner similar to your speech
Writing as you speak if a great way to connect with your readers. Why because it is like you are talking to a friend, by doing so you build trust and a relationship with your readers. Readers need to get the feeling of your presence even when you are absent, whenever they encounter your blogs. Professionalism is a requirement in some cases but if you really want to capture the attention and interests of your readers, then casual writing is the way to go.
It is not enough just to pass information but conveying it in a way that will impact on the lives of individuals is what counts. By this I mean show your reader what you mean. If you just tell them it will be very dry. The more you help your reader the more they will read.
Write from the heart
As I mentioned before your passions should be your driving force. There is nothing that is time consuming, taxing and stressful for a blogger as not having an idea of what to write on, even where a guideline has been provided. If your blog is about something that is not close to your heart, you will need to reconsider your niche.
Creativity may be an important attribute for writing. Then again, for those who possess such capabilities with respect to blogging, it does not necessarily imply that they will be great bloggers. This is only achievable if it is backed by passion and you will be amazed to find that you never run out of ideas if it is something you are truly passionate about.
Faking it
We have all heard the saying “Fake it till you Make it.” Well the same can be said about blogging. You are an authority in your niche. When you first start out no one knows it. That does not mean you shouldn’t act like it. If you question your ability to be an authority in your chosen niche, than your readers will question your authority as well. You want your reader to believe the great person you are. Once you create such a perception in the minds of readers, you will in turn need to continually prove to them that you are an authority.
This does not suggest that you push yourself so hard, but implies that you can go after what you need through the blog, such as advertisements through social media for free. Meaning, post your blog snippets on your personal social profiles such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or whichever you choose. This will serve to create interest among potential readers. You also need to keep in mind the fact that a professional blog will tend to draw people.
When people believe that there is some substance they can obtain from the details they will happily share and continue to read what you post. One of the ways to make this happen is finding the help and support you may need available to help you improve your blog when you are stuck. This is definitely to your advantage.
Good Pictures
You will be amazed at the wonders that quality pictures work whenever you opt to use them. Your readers will use these photos to spread the word by sharing the photos on other social media sites. This brings me to another point. Please make sure when you share your posts to include a picture. Sharing a picture will help others interest in your post. Ensuring that the photos on your blog are professional, will give readers one more reason to tell many more about the information you convey. You can even ad captions to them to make them more shareable.
You might not have started out with the best of pictures, but going forward you will need to replace previous photos with better ones. Your blog is always a work in progress. Make sure you never steel the pictures and that you have the rights to use them. If you use unauthorized photos then you could find yourself in some legal trouble.
These are just some of the blogging tips for beginners that will help you not only to get started but also help get you going the right direction. There is really so much to learn when you are starting to blog. You can learn a lot with my top recommendation. There are also many tools you can take a look at on all my recommendations.
As always please feel free to leave any comments, questions or suggestions below. If you have been blogging for a while, please feel free to leave your own tips below for others.
All four of these tips are important for bloggers, especially pictures. I’ve came across websites with blurry/bad quality photos and it really brings down the whole vibe of the site. It makes it seem a lot less trustworthy.
Also, the tone of writing like you mentioned. If you don’t normally talk like a dictionary robot, your site shouldn’t be typed out that way. Good tips!
Thanks for your comment. I really appreciate it. It is sometimes the little things that people tend to forget. That is why I am trying to give some simple tips to remember.
Hi Marc,
If I may add to your tips, I think reading other people’s blog is also an important factor that will mold your blogging brand and style.
You will become more aware of good readability, get ideas for blog topics and learn how to provide better user experience for your readers.
Great tip! Of course you can share. I love to hear both questions and suggestions. Thank you for adding to the tips. Yes reading other peoples blogs can help you become a much better blogger.
nice article but as my experience I wanna sy is that try to make your article to the point i.e write small bt informative….
cz many readers won’t read your posts till the end if they find it big….
Thank you for your comment. In my opinion you do want to have the article to the point. It used to be that people would just write articles 200-500 words. Those types of articles do not do well in Search Engine Rankings. You should however, write short paragraphs and break them up with images and videos. Also if you can make your article interesting enough readers will continue to read to the end.
Thanks again for the comment and your experiences.
Marc, you offer simple tips on how to blog. I love your explanation of being the authority. Visitors don’t know you are new or just starting out so you have to act like you know your topic. However, if you are transforming your hobby into a blog, you really ARE the expert and are just putting it into words. Thanks for the info.
Thanks for the comment. Please let me know if there is anything else I can help you with or if you have any other tips for readers. All contributions are welcome.