How to Increase Targeted Traffic to a Website

By | November 17, 2015

How to increase traffic to a websiteCustomers are an important ingredient in every business and they contribute to various factors that may affect your business in one way or another. One of the factors is success of the business as a whole which you want to realize at the end of the day. This you can achieve if the number of customers visiting your site increases. So you really want to know how to increase traffic to a website. There are various ways to make this possible which will give you an edge on the online platform.

my recommendations

Use Titles That Catch the Attention of Any Reader

Titles can be a major influence on how people receive information and will definitely create a certain perception on anyone that catches a glimpse of them. Such a perception can either be negative or positive and you want to create the best by all means. To achieve this, you will need to be creative in the words you opt to use for such headlines to encourage visitors to your website to read on.

perfect keyword

Sell Your Site

By now you must have known that this is the core of any kind of success in business and there is some level of sacrifice that is required for this to work. Better referred to as advertising, it creates an avenue for you to reach out to many more out there and it can be in the form of display advertising, paid search or advertisement through social media.

For the paid search option, the level of sacrifice you put in will determine the kind of results you will realize. Normally, since this option experiences competition which can be quite high at times, the more you put in, the higher the chances of reaping much more from it.  But it is not always as simple as just picking some words and using PPC (pay per click).  You really need to do research before you lose all your money.  You can read more about my favorite research tool Jaaxy.

How to Increase Targeted Traffic to a Website

Patience Does Not Apply

Everyone who visits your website needs to find a site that is fast enough in terms of responding to every click of the button. Keeping such individuals waiting for various items on the site to load is not an option. Pretending that you are at their mercy to some extent is not good enough.  You need to ensure that your site has it all, when it comes to speed and thus serving your customers better.

They will actually be willing to check-in again and again as they refer friends to your site owing to this particular attribute.  If your site is slow and unresponsive people will not want to visit your site, let alone refer you to traffic


Explore More Options

Marketing your site to bring about an increase of traffic will take more than just posting great content therein without exploring other options available to you. What this means is that you will need to venture into social media sites such as Instagram and Pinterest.  These may be a great option for you if you are dealing with a company product indirectly.  For short enticing links Twitter will work best.  Whereas Google+ makes provision for search results that have been personalized to appear less spammy. Do not overlook at any one time the positive impact that such social sites can bear on your marketing endeavors.


Referrals Are a Great Resource

Just the same way spreading the word through word of mouth works wonders in specific situations, referral traffic is designed to help you realize increase in the flow of online traffic. You need to identify the links that send a great number of traffic as opposed to finding link backs from other length

It might not be easy to find such back-links and the process could be time consuming too. If you are able to come up with information that can easily be linked to other sites every other time, then this will make things easier for you and such a process will not be tedious as it would otherwise have been.  Just remember, let the back-links happen naturally.  Google has a way of finding your unnatural back-links and penalizing you.

Always remember that referrals are a useful ingredient for the success of your online business and your content needs to be worth linking. This implies that everyone that comes across it should without a doubt endorse it as being among the best there is and as this happens traffic will begin to your reader

It is hard to go wrong if you pay attention to these particular aspects as you seek to increase and maintain visitors on your site. While this is not the end all be all for how to increase traffic to a website, it does give you a starting point.  Remember that realizing traffic on your site is one thing and maintaining as well as growing it is a different thing all together. Observe these points that seek to address just that.  You can learn all of this and much more at my top recommendation.  I would also like to invite you to see all of my recommendations.

As always, please leave any comments or questions you have below.  I love to hear from you and what has worked and what hasn’t worked for you.

8 thoughts on “How to Increase Targeted Traffic to a Website

  1. LakanDula

    Great website for money-making. It’s very organized, and it’s easy to find the information that I need. Fellow WA student here!

    1. Marc Post author

      Wow thanks for stopping by and dropping a message. Let me know if I can help you in anyway with your site.

  2. Barrack

    I am currently building my site and all the topics you have discussed are totally helpful. You write them in the shortest way possible and so informative. You are right that before you get your site to attract you have to sell it. You get what you work for….thanks for the good post.

    1. Marc Post author


      Thanks for the kind words. It is amazing that people are under the impression that you just post it and your website will get tons of traffic. You actually need to do some work. I am glad you found the information useful. Please let me know if there is any other way I can help you. Best of luck with your ventures.


  3. Alblue

    Hi marc, thank you for the information you have provided here.I didn’t use Adword PPC yet for my website because I’m still working to optimize my website performance. I did experiment with Facebook PPC with small budget to have a taste with PPC, and I realize that my current website is not enough to fully attract visitors for now.

    I am quite intrigued with the referral source. Do you know how we can get natural backlinks? I fear that if I am using paid service, it will look unnatural.

    Thank you for your answer 🙂

    1. Marc Post author


      Yeah it is tough when you first start out. I always say PPC is for people who have a solid foundation. The problem is so many programs out there say how easy it is. It really isnt that easy.

      As for your question about backlinks. Dont use a paid service. Normally with paid services they are low quality and unnatural in appearance. Then the search engines penalize you. I was actually writing a post about natural backlinks when I saw your question.

      I hope it is helpful for you.


  4. Riaz Shah

    Hey there Marc,
    Marketing seems like a great way to get traffic but at the end of the day, content creation is the best form of traffic any website will get.

    I’ve applied many marketing strategies even social media but organic search is always the top of my list and that’s something we really need to take advantage of as a good traffic generator. Just sharing my 2 cents, loving your article!

    1. Marc Post author


      Thanks for the comment. Yes organic is the best and to do that you just need to be patient, put out good content and proper SEO. Eventually it snowballs and you have a steady stream of people coming to your site.



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