The internet is no doubt one of the most essential necessities in most offices and homes as well in the world we are living in today just to say the least. Its popularity has risen from the fact that there is a lot of information in there and you can just find about everything about anything on the internet. It has also become one of those platforms that most sites are using to make money and this is what Swagbucks is all about. Google and Yahoo are by default the most popular search engines on the internet and most individuals seeking to search details on something will mostly use either of the two. So how do you earn Swagbucks fast?
To start with Swag bucks acts as a search engine and all you need to do is download their tool bar and you are ready to get started. More than this, they also promise to reward you with Swag bucks in form of merchandise and gift cards every time you opt to use their platform as opposed to Yahoo or Google.
Ways of earning Swag Bucks
Once you have opted to use the Swag buck toolbar as your search engine you can gain from this venture in two different ways and this are by either being a rather passive user or active user.
Passive users
These can also be viewed as the more reluctant users of this specific search engine who only make use of it when they only need it or when it is necessary. They may also play the games available occasionally and really, they are never taking the aspect of earning Swag bucks seriously since it is the least of their concerns.
Interestingly, this does not deter such characters from reaping occasionally from their limited involvement on the Swag buck toolbar. This is certainly a great way of earning money that is second to free money. Literally, there is nothing much that these individuals do to earn the rewards they gain.
Active users
This is the second group that is focused on earning more and more Swag bucks and as would be expected, they are busy on the platform trying to maximize usage of the toolbar most of the time. Such individuals will do all they can to win some of the huge merchandise and maybe earn a living from this platform (probably not thought).
Here is where both categories meet on level ground since they will at some point need to redeem their Swag bucks for some Amazon gift cards. For every 500 Swag bucks, you will be rewarded with a gift card worth $5, which you can in turn utilize depending on what you can afford and the total number of Swag buck you wish to redeem at any one point.
Sometimes, they have specials on different cards. For example at the time of writing this it normally cost 2500 bucks to get a $25 Amazon gift card but presently it is only 2200. The biggest problem is it may take you a while to get 2200 in your account and the deal may be gone.
Therefore, it does not really make sense to redeem gift cards with larger denominations because it will turn out a loss rendering all your efforts futile or at least just okay rather than excellent. This is technically something you need to give a second thought before committing to it.
Time Spent Against Earnings
If for some reason you truly want to venture in or stick to Swag bucks, you really need to consider what you are set earn and analyze that in terms of working hours. That means that the total amount you are set to gain in dollars, divided by number of hours spent in the office working, should give you the exact figure of what you feel your time is worth.
Once you have done the calculation, if the figure is not good enough in your view, then the venture is not worth committing to fully. However, you can still stick to it to enjoy the small occasional surprises of gift cards. It will not cost you a thing anyway and you will at least have something to show from it at some point in the future.
The reality is you are not going to make a full time income with Swagbucks, but you can get a free cup of coffee sometimes with it. Really for not doing that much. Every little bit helps as we all know. I personally don’t work hard at it, but you can give it a try if you would like. I am not even going to include an affiliate link at this time.
If you want to learn how to make money online you can check out my top recommendations or all of my recommendations to see what all has worked for me.
As always leave a comment if you have any questions, comments, or your own stories on Swagbucks. I would love to hear from you.